The Need for the Islamic Unity

The Need for the Islamic Unity

Ittihâd-i Islam, the Islamic unity, is an important issue that concerns all Muslims according to their degrees. Because, Unity of Islam is not only a political issue. This unity starts from the contact and co-operation of two believers with the bonds of faithful brotherhood and goes all the way to the cooperation and cooperation of all Muslims in the breadth of the Islamic world.

With the tremendous strength that comes from this religious brotherhood and solidarity of Muslims, our religion, our nation and our homeland are protected from all kinds of dangers and all kinds of enemies and are instrumental in peace.

For this reason, the enemies, who cannot stand against this material and spiritual power, try to disrupt the unity and solidarity of the Islamic world with all kinds of tricks and plans in order to disperse and disintegrate this power.

Today, the genocide and persecution in Gaza have once again demonstrated the importance of Islamic unity. A few million Zionist tyrants disregard the Islamic world of one and a half billion people.

We now quote what Ustad Bediuzzaman, inspired by the Quran and Hadith, wrote about the unity of Islam:

The prescription for a glorious though unfortunate continent, an illustrious though hapless state, a noble though ownerless people, is Islamic Unity. (The Damascus Sermon - 99)

I reckon it is because disbelief and misguidance now attack us in the form of secret societies and political groups that Divine Determining makes them torment us with this extreme tyranny and accusation of being a political society. That means there is overriding need for the believers to be united. We were unaware of that fact, so received the blow of justice from Divine Determining. (Rays - 526)

With my faulty understanding, I imagine Islamic society at this time in the form of a factory containing many machines. Should any components of the machines fall behind or encroach on another, which is its fellow, the machines cease to function. The exact time for Islamic unity is therefore beginning. It necessitates not paying attention to one another’s personal faults. (The Damascus Sermon - 54)

But unity cannot be achieved through ignorance. Unity is the unification of ideas. The unification of ideas happens with the electric ray of knowledge. (The Disputations)

I am certain that the skies of the future and Asia, Will together surrender to Islam's clean, shining hand. For it promises the prosperity of belief; It affords peace and security to mankind. (The Words - 748)

Yes, the treatment and persecution of those foreigners, like monsters, accelerated the movement for freedom, independence and unification of Islam in the Islamic world. Finally, it led to the organisation of independent Islamic states. InshâAllâhu ta'âlâ, United Republics of Islam will also come into existence and Islam will dominate and rule the world. We strongly hope and supplicate for this from the Divine Mercy. (The Conference, The Words)

The world of Islam will congratulate and applaud your success in publishing the Risale-i Nur. The signs are now appearing. For instance, Pakistan's deputy education minister came to visit me and took some parts of the Risale-i Nur. He said that he would try to disseminate them among the ninety million Muslims there. He took them and went. Moreover, despite so many dissemblers working against us, the Risale-i Nur has been taken to far-off places in both Europe and Asia. Also, when the Germans in Berlin got hold of Zülfikar, they announced their praises of it in the newspapers.. (Emirdag Letters-2 - 333)

I repeat: the means of unity of the İttihad-ı Muhammedî (Muhammadan Union), which in reality is Islamic Unity, is Divine Unity. Its oath and pledge is belief. Its associations and councils are the mosques, religious schools, and dhikr (glorification) places. Its membership consists of all believers. Its code of rules are the practices of the Prophet (saw). Its laws are the commands and prohibitions of the Shari‘a. This Union consists not of numbers but of worship.

Fear and causing fear are both hypocrisy, but there is no hypocrisy in performing the obligatory acts of religion. The obligatory act of greatest importance at the present time is Islamic Unity. While the aim and goal of Unity [or the Muhammadan Union] is to stir into life the long, many-branched, far-reaching luminous chain which binds together the centres of Islam and their places of worship, to arouse those bound to it, and through the wishes and promptings of their consciences drive them to the way of progress.

The way of this Union is love; its enmity is only for ignorance, poverty, and strife. Non-Muslims should feel sure that this Union attacks only those three facts. Our actions towards non-Muslims consist only of persuasion, for we know them to be civilized. And we suppose them to be fair-minded, so we should demonstrate that Islam is lovable and elevated. The lax and negligent should know that they cannot ingratiate themselves with the Europeans by being irreligious, for they only show that they are unprincipled. And no one likes unprincipledness and anarchy. Those who join this Union after due investigation, will not leave it by blindly imitating such people. We present to public opinion the ideas, way, and reality of the Muhammadan Union, which is Islamic Unity. If anyone has any objections, let him voice them; we are ready to answer them.

All the lions of the world are bound to this chain;

Could the fox chew through it by trickery?  (Damascus Sermon-81)

It is even recorded in authentic traditions of the Prophet that at the end of time the truly pious among the Christians will unite with the People of the Qur'an and fight their common enemy, irreligion. And at this time, too, the people of religion and truth need to unite sincerely not only with their own brothers and fellow believers, but also with the truly pious and spiritual ones among the Christians, temporarily refraining from the discussion and debate of points of difference in order to combat their joint enemy-aggressive atheism. (Flashes - 204)

Nur Way