
Who Are We?

We are a group of people who believe that the best way to understand the Qur'an in this century is to benefit from the "Risale-i Nur" which satisfies the heart and the mind together. We believe that the author of these books, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, is the Mujaddid (Renewer) in this century. We are located in Malaysia and Turkiye and act on a completely voluntary basis. Furthermore, we offer you translations in different languages and compilations from the Collection. If you have any questions about Islam or the Qur'an or the life of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) or the Risale-i Nur, we are ready to answer them.

The Risale-i Nur's author says in a letter: "I have dedicated my life, not to secondary matters which are the cause of internal partisanship, discord, and dispute, but to the pillars of belief, which are a question of paramount importance for all humanity, and to the truths of belief taught by the Qur'an, which may lead to the happiness of humankind and are the foundation of Islam and bonds of brotherhood." In saying this he was stating that the circle of the Risale-i Nur is so broad and all-embracing as to encompass all service to Islam and religious questions; that it affirms and encourages religious service of every sort; and that it is a highway of the Qur'an, and embraces Islam and all believers.

In the same letter, he continues: "I offer friendship to not only Muslims, but also Christians, and invite them to forgo enmity." He points out the dangers posed by the Second World War and the anarchy underlying communism, which intimate the transience and ephemerality of this world and its separations, thus implying that people should give up their hostility to one another, and heeding the Qur'an, unite, or else be ruined. He points out the need and necessity for the Risale-i Nur and its method of service, which is conformable with the conditions of the times, and with the wise guidance of the Qur'an and divine practice. (Emirdag Letters-1 - 20)

Nur Way

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